Who Chooses if Your Child is Vaccinated?

Who Chooses if Your Child is Vaccinated?

Parents splitting custody may not agree on a vaccination plan, so who gets to decide? The second school year in a pandemic is well on the way and with mask mandates in place and vaccinations encouraged for those 12 years and older, families are still living under a...
What Constitutes a Spouse in B.C.?

What Constitutes a Spouse in B.C.?

In 2021, family structures aren’t as conventional as they once were. With many couples living together before formal marriage, the possibility that relationships may become “common-law marriages,” is often overlooked.  To help put your mind at ease, we’re...
What Happens When There is No Will?

What Happens When There is No Will?

Having a will, no matter what age you are, is one of the most important things a person can do for those they care about. If we’ve learned anything through this pandemic, it is that life is totally unpredictable. It is better to be prepared and provide for those you...

What Can Be Done When A Will is Unfair

A death in the family, whether sudden or ‘expected,’ is often emotionally overwhelming and stressful. Times such as this can be fraught with tension between family members – especially if it is discovered that the deceased (the ‘testator’ in legal language) has a left...